How can I find who delivered a changeset?
Is there any way to tell who delivered a changeset?
I can tell who checked it in and who owns its work item but then anyone else could have delivered it.
This is especially a problem if it was delivered to the stream and then the component was rolled back to a snapshot and someone else then accidentally redelivered it.
I have just found that I can show a projects recent events so if the delivery was recent (last few days) I should be able to track down who did it, but surely there's a better way? And a way to look further back. (I'd be happy using eclipse or the web ui or one of the APIs)
I can tell who checked it in and who owns its work item but then anyone else could have delivered it.
This is especially a problem if it was delivered to the stream and then the component was rolled back to a snapshot and someone else then accidentally redelivered it.
I have just found that I can show a projects recent events so if the delivery was recent (last few days) I should be able to track down who did it, but surely there's a better way? And a way to look further back. (I'd be happy using eclipse or the web ui or one of the APIs)
Accepted answer
This has been asked before. There are only ways to see who first added the change set to the history, which may not always be the same as the person that delivered the change set to the stream.
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This has been asked before. There are only ways to see who first added the change set to the history, which may not always be the same as the person that delivered the change set to the stream.
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