Skip email notifications using WCL batch file
Hello Team,
We have configured a batch script to update a set of workitems using a query. We do not want the email notifications to be triggered while this script is run. The /skipEmailNotification parameter is not working as expected.
Could you please help me with skipping the email notifications while the batch file is run?
Please find below the batch file configured.
[WCL Version 5.2]
cd /d "D:\"
set JAVA_HOME=D:\RTC-Client-Win64-6.0.6\jazz\jdk
set PLAIN_JAVA=D:\RTC-Client-plainJavaLib-6.0.6
rem Parameters to configure
set repo="TEST"
set pa="TEST"
@echo off
set username=%1%
set pw=%2%
@echo on
set queryname="Task WIs"
rem Execution command
%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\java -Djava.ext.dirs=./lib;%PLAIN_JAVA%;%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/ext -cp ./lib;%PLAIN_JAVA% -jar "D:\WCL_5_2\WCL.jar" -bulkupdate password=%pw% /skipEmailNotification projectArea=%pa% query=%queryname% /enforceSizeLimits repository=%repo% /ignoreErrors user=%username%
set JAVA_HOME=D:\RTC-Client-Win64-6.0.6\jazz\jdk
set PLAIN_JAVA=D:\RTC-Client-plainJavaLib-6.0.6
rem Parameters to configure
set repo="TEST"
set pa="TEST"
@echo off
set username=%1%
set pw=%2%
@echo on
set queryname="Task WIs"
rem Execution command
%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\java -Djava.ext.dirs=./lib;%PLAIN_JAVA%;%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/ext -cp ./lib;%PLAIN_JAVA% -jar "D:\WCL_5_2\WCL.jar" -bulkupdate password=%pw% /skipEmailNotification projectArea=%pa% query=%queryname% /enforceSizeLimits repository=%repo% /ignoreErrors user=%username%
Thanks in advance.
Accepted answer
You can file an issue in the work item command line GIT project. For all I know the flag to skip e-mail notification should work. It did the last time I tried. I think the feature was introduced in 6.0.5
Actually here is the information: