Java & REST API question
I am writing a Java program which will get the xml of a workitem. After authentication when I try to get the work item (https://localhost:9443/ccm/resource/itemName/
and I always get the user info in json format as descried here
I am using http client 4.3.3
I am able to get xml using curl as well as REST client for Firefox
Anyone has any idea why I get my user info in json format?
Accepted answer
There are Java samples in the OSLC workshop
There are Java samples in the OSLC workshop
Canberk Akduygu
Apr 30 '14, 10:10 a.m.Which headers are you including to your rest call?
Accept = application/xml or aaplication/json
I also see that you add .xml at the end of your url. You dont need to do that.
Karthik Krishnan
Apr 30 '14, 10:18 a.m.I already have it