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Rajasimhan Mandayam (3811144) | asked Apr 03 '09, 4:34 p.m.
1. I am trying to install RTC 1011.
2. After I got through the steps and install jazz war.
3. Start the WAR.
4. I see this in the Websphere system out log

0000003a SystemOut O 16:22:22,999 ERROR eam.repository.provision.internal.ProvisionService - CRJAZ0310I The feature with an id of "" could not be found in the update site "file:///D:/ram/rtcSS1011/jazz/server/update-site" referenced in the profile file "D:\ram\rtcSS1011\jazz\server\provision_profiles\license-profile.ini". Verify that the feature id is correct and available in the update-site.

My license-profile.ini contains this


The thing I cannot understand is

my update-site folder does not have a feature called ""

The funny thing is that there is another folder called license-update-site and this has the feature.

I wonder should I switch it to that.

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Rajasimhan Mandayam (3811144) | answered Apr 03 '09, 4:38 p.m.
After I changed the contents of my license-profile.ini to point to the folder license-update-site.

I do not see the error and Jazz is working.

The instructions for RTC 1011

tell you to point to the update-site whereas its really license-update-site

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