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Sporadic disconnect after 4.0.6 upgrade

Sunita Dinakar (11413842) | asked Apr 21 '14, 1:22 p.m.

We recently upgraded one of our environment to 4.0.6 from server. After the upgrade, when we connect the server using eclipse client, we find frequent disconnect of the repository connection. We assumed that it was because of client compatibility and upgraded our client as well to 4.0.6 to find out the issue still occurs. Has anyone faced a similar issue after an upgrade?

2 answers

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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered Apr 21 '14, 1:39 p.m.
Does this happen to all users, or just some?
I would check your workspace log - located in your Eclipse workspace directory/metadata/.log
See if it says anything about the disconnect. Otherwise, you may need to investigate network timeouts or other connections issues (may also be logged in the CCM/JTS or Tomcat logs).

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Sunita Dinakar (11413842) | answered Apr 21 '14, 2:02 p.m.
Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for the response, this happens for all users. I'll look at the .log file and update this post.

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