How can I determine which UUID is more recent for a file version?

Best regards,
Accepted answer


Hello Michael,

My understanding is the that version numbering introduced in 5.0 is global, and not branch relative. So if the same file version is selected in both sub-streams, they will both have the name version number.

Andrew.. in your case where there are three streams with the same content (file with the same change sets). it is the SAME file.. so the 'version' is the same.
streams are containers of changes to artifacts.
when a change is applied to one stream, then its file 'number' will be 4 (no idea if the numbers are sequential per file) . and the others still at 3. when the change sets are applied to the other streams, then their number will change to 4 for that file

Andrew, what you said is correct. The version ids are assigned on a first come first serve basis. The first state created after the state with version id 3 will be 4. The one after that would be 5. Both 4 and 5 could be descendants from 3 or they may be descendants from a prevision version id (1 or 2). So all that the version id gives you is the chronological order of state creation.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 17 '14, 5:14 a.m.I am not sure you can, but you might be interested in this: