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How can I determine which UUID is more recent for a file version?

Andrew Trobec (49713144139) | asked Apr 17 '14, 5:00 a.m.
edited Oct 12 '17, 1:23 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)


I am working with RTC 4.0.3.

Since human readable file versions are unavailable in RTC source control according to this post I have another question.  I am browsing through this article which explains how to get file version UUIDs through SCM CLI, but I need to know how to distinguish between two versions.

Given two UUIDs for the same file, how can I tell which one is newer?

Best regards,


Ralph Schoon commented Apr 17 '14, 5:14 a.m.

Accepted answer

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Apr 17 '14, 10:37 a.m.
What do you mean by newer? You have to keep in mind that branching is common thing in RTC. As Ralph pointed out, the version identifier feature that is being introduced in 5.0 will tell you which one is newer in a global sense, it will not tell you whether one comes before the other in a change history. If you have two file states, the only way to know how they relate w.r.t. a change history is to have access to a change history in order to determine their position in the history of that file. In other words, you will need a stream or workspace that contains the states in order to determine the ordering.
David Lafreniere selected this answer as the correct answer

Andrew Trobec commented Apr 18 '14, 9:08 a.m.

Hello Michael,

I see what you mean, thank you.

Will there be branch versioning as well for the files in 5.0?  For example, if two dev streams A and B are created underneatht he main stream and they both contain version 3 of file X, will the file versioned in both sub streams have the version number 3.1, or will they be numbered 4 and 5 respectively?



Geoffrey Clemm commented Apr 18 '14, 11:21 p.m.

My understanding is the that version numbering introduced in 5.0 is global, and not branch relative.  So if the same file version is selected in both sub-streams, they will both have the name version number. 

sam detweiler commented Apr 19 '14, 12:10 a.m.

Andrew.. in your case where there are three streams with the same content (file with the same change sets). it is the SAME file.. so the 'version' is the same.

streams are containers of changes to artifacts.

when a change is applied to one stream, then its file 'number' will be 4 (no idea if the numbers are sequential per file) . and the others still at 3.  when the change sets are applied to the other streams, then their number will change to 4 for that file

Michael Valenta commented Apr 21 '14, 8:14 a.m.

Andrew, what you said is correct. The version ids are assigned on a first come first serve basis. The first state created after the state with version id 3 will be 4. The one after that would be 5. Both 4 and 5 could be descendants from 3 or they may be descendants from a prevision version id (1 or 2). So all that the version id gives you is the chronological order of state creation.

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