I have deleted user using java API, after that I can not add same user back again.
I have deleted user from CCM using below java code.
repository.contributorManager().deleteContributor(contri, null);
Now I want to add this user abck to the CCM, but when I try to import user, it is giving below error.
CRJAZ0215E The following record was not found in the database: com.ibm.team.repository.common.model.impl.ContributorRecordHandleImpl@39fa39fa (stateId: [UUID _sSWKFP6iEeG_HtjLGSDrew], itemId: [UUID _sSTt0P6iEeG_HtjLGSDrew], origin: <unset>, immutable: <unset>)
I tried to import the user from LDAP again to CCM however I am getting user already exist error. I tried to sync the users from LDAP into CCM even that is also failing.
Pease help me solve this issue.
Thakns & Regards,
Pheneendra G.