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Globally (server) defined file properties and line delimiter

Brian Gillan (3215330) | asked Apr 01 '09, 10:42 a.m.
We're running into an issue with line delimiters and I'm wondering if there's a deficiency in RTC because there's no way to globally define file properties.

In the client, you can set the "File Properties" "Line Delimiter" such that files with a given extension are handled appropriately (as text, binary, etc.) and this includes how Line Delimiters are handled. The out-of-the-box preferences handle common Java file types. We have a lot of other file types associated with our projects, and I can't see making ever user set preferences for these file types. It seems like there should be a way to define this on the server, perhaps at the repository level or Project Area level, so they client uses those definitions, and anything specified in the client could override that.

ClearCase handles this through it's "magic" file and if I understand how that works, it allows definition at the server level as well as local client.

Has anyone else run into this issue?

Thanks, Brian

Gene Ratzlaff commented Apr 15 '13, 3:45 p.m.

This is a big frustration for my team. We have several dozen text file types to manage that don't get set to "Platform" by default. Now, I know that each user can specify additional file content types in each client instance, but every time the user sets up a new sandbox those content type settings must be set again. (This seems to be another reflection of this product being too eclipse & java centric.)

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 16 '13, 3:00 a.m.
I think related work is tracked in and other items you can find in the link section. I am sure there are more work items. You might want to add your support for this.

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