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I need know how work the process the approval

FERNANDO gvt (523) | asked Mar 07 '14, 12:09 p.m.
How long time after add the approval I receive the notification

Millard Ellingsworth commented Mar 07 '14, 12:20 p.m.

Hi, Ferndando. Do you meant that after you change a work item (e.g., add an approval) that you are subscribed to it takes a long time to receive an email notification? Can you quantify "long time"?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Mar 07 '14, 10:25 p.m.
By default, the email notification will be sent out after 10mins you add the approval to the workitem.
The interval can be changed in ccm/admin page > advanced property(https:/server:port/ccm/ > Mail Notification Send Interval (seconds)

If you see too much delays than the expected intervals, you may want to contact Rational support team to further investigate. Thanks
FERNANDO gvt selected this answer as the correct answer

FERNANDO gvt commented Mar 10 '14, 1:22 p.m.

thanks, you helped me a lot

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