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RTC Attribute property Height does not do anything

N Z (36212127) | asked Mar 04 '14, 9:45 p.m.
 I've created a large string attribute, and in the presentation represented it as a text field.

One of the properties available for text field type is height (from eclipse, from browser it's numRows), which is supposed to determine and control the height of the presentation. Setting this value to any values does not do anything. Furthermore, it also takes negative numbers, with no effect!

Is there a known problem with this, or is it an "unimplemented" feature?

RTC 4.0.3.

Accepted answer

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Mar 05 '14, 2:11 a.m.
Do you have the issue on Eclipse or web client?
The setting works for me on Eclipse client 4.0.4.
For web client, the setting won't work. There is an enhancement WebUI - Support height settings for presentation kind text
N Z selected this answer as the correct answer

N Z commented Mar 05 '14, 4:31 p.m.

Thanks Lily, I can stop wasting my time now!

To the Jazz Team, I shake my head in disbelief! Implemented in one client but not another? I guess your continuous delivery cycle doesn't give you time to do things properly! You know, I've been very critical of the administration of these tools and the clients, this is just another one to add to the list. 

One other answer

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Romuald Tisserand (768) | answered May 06 '14, 11:03 a.m.
I've the same problem on Jazz RTC 4.0.5 and this setting doesn't work at all on both Eclipse and the web client. Any idea of any workaround?

Romuald Tisserand commented May 06 '14, 11:11 a.m.

After some searches, I've to be more accurate. My need is to be able to set this property for a work-item accessed by the web UI only.

This property probably works when the wi is accessed through Eclipse.

But setting the property either through Eclipse or the web admin UI, in order to configure your web form, doesn't work at all.

Lily Wang commented May 06 '14, 8:03 p.m.

Hi Romuald,
The setting only works if users access work item from Eclipse client.
For web client, it's an enhancement request which is not available in current RTC 4.0.x yet.

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