Upgrade CLM from version 4.0.1 to 4.0.6

I am trying to plan the steps for CLM upgrade to version 4.0.6. I need the steps to execute the upgrade. If there's documentation on the upgrade please let me know.
Per Jazz.net Wiki page it appears WAS 8.0 is compatible with CLM 4.0.6 - https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/CLMSystemRequirements405406. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
4 answers

| gosh I hate the infocenter for copying links..
select the interactive upgrade guide in the left panel to get the Q&A to build the instructions for you specific deployment and upgrade style.

In the Wiki page you gave under Upgrading, Upgrade observations: 4.0.x to a later version of 4.0.x, there's nothing in there. Can some one please share their experience how they did the upgrade ? Is it as straight forward as using installation manager and doing the upgrade ?
Some real world examples would grealy help.

the upgrade process, in general, is to use the upgrade wizard, generate the instructions for the environment you are coming from and going to..
then follow the instructions..
from my post above
see the upgrade guide for instructions http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m6/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.jazz.install.doc%2Ftopics%2Fc_upgrade_overview.html
select the interactive upgrade guide in the left panel to get the Q&A to build the instructions for you specific deployment and upgrade style.

If I execute the steps in to upgrade CLM to 4.0.6 will the users in LDAP added to CLM 4.0.1 brought over to the new installation ? Does the new installation have to synch with LDAP overnight to add all the users ? I would appreciate any help.
Thank You

1. I tried to run UPDATE STATISTICS using SQL Server Management Studio, it failed probably because user id did not have the required ALTER permission on the table or view. This permission requirement needs to be included in the interactive upgrade guide in infocenter as part of the planning checklist. Since I could not run UPDATE STATISTICS the QM upgrade script took about 5 to 6 hours to complete. I left the QM upgrade script running overnight.
2. Run the upgrade script: Instructions in the infocenter states open a command prompt with administrative privileges, go to the JTS_4.0.6_install_dir\server directory, and enter this command:
upgrade\jts\jts_upgrade.bat -oldJTSHome JTS_4.0.1_install_dir\server\conf -updateTomcatFiles no
I tried running the command and keep getting this error:
The directory "C:/Program Files/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/jts", specified f or -oldJTSHome parameter must be an absolute path. Use -help for a complete description of parameters.
I had to change the command to give the complete path to jts_upgrade.bat file as below:
C:\Progra~1\IBM\JTS_1\server\upgrade/jts/jts_upgrad e.bat -oldJTSHome C:\Progra~1\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\conf -updateTomcatFiles no
3. I ran the upgrade script in the order specified in the interactive upgrade guide in the infocenter - JTS, CCM, QM and RM. When running upgrade script for applications CCM, QM and RM teamserver.properties file is opened first for JTS and then for the application to upgrade. It is important to understand it otherwise one might modify teamserver.properties file for JTS by mistake and add changes for CCM / QM / RM to it.