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RTC vs. Open Source

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Feb 25 '14, 1:49 p.m.
I have been worked as SCM consultant mostly with IBM Rational tools for more than a decade. Life was so easy because IBM tools such as ClearCase, ClearQuest totally dominate the large company sector, absolutely no competitor.

However, things started to change in the last couple of years, tools originated from the open source start to taking up the market share. Even IBM's newest tool RTC can't help. Most of people switched to tools such as GIT/SVN, JIRA, Jenkins, TeamCity, simply they are good enough and 10 times cheaper.

I see IBM is out of business in this market. What do you see? And most important: what's the reason you picked up RTC, instead of GIT/JIRA/TeamCity?


Geoffrey Clemm commented Feb 25 '14, 3:05 p.m.

Hi Jirong, ... This kind of question tends to generate more noise/flame than substantive material.   Would you mind reposting on something like slashdot, where these kinds of conversations commonly take place?

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