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Is it possible to lock a stream?

I see there will be function coming in 2.0 that will allow locking a
file in a stream. Is there, or will there be, a way to lock an entire
I see what can be delivered to a stream can be controlled thorough
process customization, but there doesn't appear to be a way to directlyt
lock a stream.
Thanks, Brian
Accepted answer

In RTC 6.0.2 we added a feature that lets you lock streams and components to prevent deliveries to the files in those streams or components. Stream and component locks work in a similar manner to file locks but apply to the entire stream or the entire component in a stream. When a stream or component is locked, any attempted deliveries by users who do not own the lock will fail with an appropriate error message. The user that holds the lock can still perform deliveries to the stream. A lock does not only prevent deliveries, it also prevents any operation that affects the files in the locked component or stream. For example, a component replace is also prevented.
-New & Noteworthy Mention: https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/6.0.2?p=newsDetails#stream-locking
-Stream/Component Locking Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8QwzwUF2ZY
-SCM Command Line Client 'set lock' command: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSCP65_6.0.4/com.ibm.team.scm.doc/topics/set_lock.html
Prior to 6.0.2, you could add a deliver advisor in the process spec to restrict deliveries to particular streams. By protecting your stream by particular roles or users, you can effectively lock the stream down.
"http://jazz.net/library/article/215#protect_some" describes how to protect individual components in a stream, the same approach can be used to lock down the entire stream.
2 other answers

particular stream ... so it will be possible in 2.0 to effectively lock
a stream by revoking permissions to just that stream.
Hope this helps,
SCM Server
Brian Gillan wrote:
I see there will be function coming in 2.0 that will allow locking a
file in a stream. Is there, or will there be, a way to lock an entire
I see what can be delivered to a stream can be controlled thorough
process customization, but there doesn't appear to be a way to directlyt
lock a stream.
Thanks, Brian