Rational Team Concert 4.0 Extensions Workshop Error
I got an error when I tried to load Repository Workspace in RTC 4.0.
1. Right click on RTC Extension Workspace under "My Repository Workspace"
2.Click on Load
3. Select "Find and Load Eclipse Projects"
4. Click Next
Unable to obtain license to read SCM related data: CRJAZ1832E The user configured to perform the request "https://localhost:9443/jts/service/com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.license.ILicenseRestService/assertLicense?operationId=com.ibm.team.scm.readaccess.general&user=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9443%2Fjts%2FcontributorIdentity%2F_KGRY4CFWEdq-WY5y7lROQw&assign=false" on the JTS is not authorized. There may not be a functional user configured for the oauth consumer, or the functional user that is configured does not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested operation. Connection Error: Unauthorized.
Accepted answer
I got an error when I imported the files:
Which version do you try to import into? The workshop only works for 4.0. I would however have expected a different error if there was a version mismatch.
I have never seen that error.
I think I can backup Ralph. I tried to do this into 4.0.3 and failed, so I installed into v4 and then upgraded to 4.0.3 (I think I did at least, I didn't get that far along and it's been several weeks)
I used version 4.0 with windows 7
One other answer
The workshop states that you should upload the 10 Free license file. I downloaded that file from https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/4.0?p=allDownloads like as I created the workshop and was able to upload the file. It never expires. Directly underneath the download link is another file and a link to a work item that fixes an issue some users have reported. I would suggest to try that, if you fail to upload the license file.
When I download 10 Free license file, it doesn't appear in the list of Client Access Licenses.
When I download the another file (Updated RTC Developer Trial with fix), it has expired on September 1, 2012.
You mean upload the license File to the JTS? For the 10 C, it tries to register on Jazz.net. Can you see the message on the screen? If not, check the JTS log for errors. I have never seen that problem myself and don't have an idea what the problem could be.
The evaluation license has expired already and that are you seeing. The upload of the 10 Free is supposed to fix that.
Something else you can try is uploading the 10 free for or a later version.
I uploaded the 10 Free license file and even though the license has not appeared on the Client Access Licenses, I ignored it and tried to upload the Projects in Eclipse again and it worked!