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Migration from RTC to RTC 2.0 Beta

Adil Chahid (45524118) | asked Mar 19 '09, 10:59 a.m.
Hi all,
we were wondering if someone did experiment with the data migration process from RTC to RTC 2.0 Beta?
Will this process use the repotool ?
Was it tested on a Database bigger than 15 Gigs, if so how much time did it take?
We thank you in advance for your answers.

12 answers

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Adrian Cho (82113322) | answered Mar 27 '09, 1:03 p.m.
Balaji is correct. For intermediate (*D1) mid-milestones, we only support migration from the previous milestone which is M2 in this case. For full milestones (e.g. M3) we would support migration from 1.0/1.0.1/, M2, M3D1 and Beta 1.

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Steve Pe (11) | answered Aug 17 '09, 3:06 p.m.
Balaji is correct. For intermediate (*D1) mid-milestones, we only support migration from the previous milestone which is M2 in this case. For full milestones (e.g. M3) we would support migration from 1.0/1.0.1/, M2, M3D1 and Beta 1.

Our team is planning to upgrade RTC 1.0.1 to RTC 2.0EN. Anybody pass that error? What is that error? WAS or DB2? thanks.

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