Follow up action : Cancel save action and display error message

Accepted answer
3 other answers

I guess that can be implemented by using pre-condition - Advisors. You can detect the save action using ISaveParameter interface and if the action is save, you can trigger further action you need.
Extension point for Advisor would be and once you got this, you can find save action as below
// Action is save
eg: if (operation.getOperationData() instanceof ISaveParameter) {
// do action
RTC Extension workshop is a good place to get detailed info.
Rational Team Concert 4.0 Extensions Workshop - Library: Articles - Jazz Community Site
Extension point for Advisor would be and once you got this, you can find save action as below
// Action is save
eg: if (operation.getOperationData() instanceof ISaveParameter) {
// do action
RTC Extension workshop is a good place to get detailed info.
Rational Team Concert 4.0 Extensions Workshop - Library: Articles - Jazz Community Site

Thanks Ralp,
I found how display error message :
IReportInfo info = collector.createInfo("unable to save workitem", description);
But that don"t stop the save action.
Do you know how can i stop the follow-up action in my plugin ?

you can stop a prior save with a followon/participant
the advisor stops it.. the participant doesn't get fired until AFTER the save
1 vote

OK !
Thanks for this détails.

Hmm, I was mistaken then, I thought the workshop prevented the save if no build engine was found. I will have to have a look.

hm..I meant to type cannot stop.. this is why the participant must issue another save. it cannot just change the data and let the operation continue.