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Copy teamareas with its members to other project area

Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | asked Feb 14 '14, 4:48 a.m.
RTC4.0.5 used.
There are two project areas created by the same process template and they have the same team structures in the beginning. In one project area, the teams (parent - child relationships) are restructured and more teams are added.
The user wants to copy the same team structure to another project(could be in the same server or different server).
I checked the project area's configuration sources and could not find any info on the teams and its member in the source. I was thinking if they are in the source, I could copy over to another project area and replace the existing team structure there in the source.
1) Where is the team structure info(including relation between the teams and its members)stored? why they are not in the configuration source?
2) any suggestions how I can achieve copying the updated team structure/members to another project area? or this is not achievable unless manually creating the same in another PA?
Thank you very much.

Accepted answer

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Feb 14 '14, 6:25 a.m.
all this data is stored in the database.

I had to write utilities using the Java apis to copy these structures from one project area to another.
Part of our Copy Project utility.
Don Yang selected this answer as the correct answer

Don Yang commented Feb 16 '14, 6:19 p.m.

Thanks Sam for the info

Ming Jie Cai commented May 07 '14, 4:56 a.m.

Hi Sam, I am working on project Move for RQM and have the similar problem about copy team area from one project area to another. Could you please share the utilities you mentioned with me? Thanks in advance!

sam detweiler commented May 07 '14, 7:53 a.m.

I do not know the RQM apis.  the utility was created for a customer, so I cannot share it.

One other answer

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Murat Isleyen (191620) | answered Feb 14 '14, 5:07 a.m.
Hi Don,

You should give a permission to be used the process configuration with other project areas.

In the main PA, you should select the regarding option and select "Use the process configuration from another project area for this project area" option for the new PAs to be created.

Don Yang commented Feb 14 '14, 6:22 a.m.

Thanks for the suggestions. This is not what I am after as it is not about creating a new PA. it is two existing PAs from the same process template. One has team structure changed and more teams added, for which the user wants to duplicate the same in another PA without manually recreate/modify in that PA. I was thinking there is team areas related info in the configuration source but it is not there hence want to know if there is anyone who may have more info on that or other suggestions.

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