DB2 Coniguration with RTC problem
Hi, we're trying to configure our RTC client to user our DB2 database. We get this message when running repotools -createtables.
CRJAZ1245I The database user does not have the required privileges to perform t
e specified operation. Check with your database administrator or your database
endor product documentation and ensure the user account has appropriate authori
y to read, write, and administer tables.
The database user has been granted dbadm. So it has db administrator privs. Any ideas why we still get this error?
CRJAZ1245I The database user does not have the required privileges to perform t
e specified operation. Check with your database administrator or your database
endor product documentation and ensure the user account has appropriate authori
y to read, write, and administer tables.
The database user has been granted dbadm. So it has db administrator privs. Any ideas why we still get this error?