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How to combine change sets into a single change set?

Isabelle Phan (1135) | asked Jan 30 '14, 1:36 a.m.
retagged Jan 31 '14, 5:08 p.m. by Dejan Custic (2855)
Is it possible to combine several change sets into a single one (similar to git's squash functionality) ?

I found this thread in your 2012 Jazz Plan Jam, discussing a similar idea. Has this been implemented?



3 answers

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Jan 30 '14, 2:51 a.m.
Hi Isabelle,
Not sure how much helps you, but found work item regarding this functionality:
anyway there is no update there since 2008. Feel free to add comment then to gain attention there.

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Jared Burns (4.5k29) | answered Jan 31 '14, 6:06 p.m.
I don't think there's any similar function built into the product, but I can tell you the trick I use in my own day to day development. I don't know if the RTC SCM team would sanction this, but it works for me...

1. Disconnect the projects that your changes are in.
2. Discard your change sets. (This won't affect the files on your local filesystem if the projects are disconnected.)
3. Reshare your projects. At this point, SCM will compare your contents on disk with the contents on the server and you'll have a new set of changes to commit.

Hope that helps.

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