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Questions on Schedule dates

Mahari Hill (4861183230) | asked Jan 28 '14, 10:25 a.m.
Jazz team,

How do you all keep track of your SDLC calendar schedule? For a release, there is development dates, freeze date, QA dates, etc. The plan in RTC shows development, but do you keep track of your complete calendar schedule in RTC, or a wiki, or something else?

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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered Feb 10 '14, 4:29 p.m.
You can use a new timeline for each version or maintenance scheduled. Within the timeline is iterations, and sub iterations for each milestone or release candidate. Therefore, you can track your freeze dates at the end of a milestone or RC. You can also schedule an iteration for QA, or plan those work items in the corresponding iteration.

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