Why is my Operation Advisor not showing up when I try to enable it?
I have the first Operation Advisor created and enabled (following this article: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/blogs/extendingrtc/entry/checksummaryadvisor?lang=en_us)
Then I wanted to do another one, so I followed the same instructions but changed a bit (name, package, logic in the advisor). I created the Feature, created the Site, directory, etc.
Then I restarted my server, but the operation advisor is not listed in the list of Preconditions when I go into my project area. However, I have no idea where to start debugging. I have gone back and double-checked spelling in my directory for my site, in my .ini file for my provisioning_profiles ... everything.
Accepted answer
on your plugin.xml, the second entry, rich click, add extensionservice
right click on extensionservice, add prerequisite
here is a plugin from Ralphwhich shows it
name="Create Approvel Participant"
<requiredService interface="com.ibm.team.repository.common.service.IContributorService"/>
<requiredService interface="com.ibm.team.workitem.common.IAuditableCommon"/>
<requiredService interface="com.ibm.team.process.internal.common.service.IProcessService"/>
<requiredService interface="com.ibm.team.process.service.IProcessServerService"/>
<requiredService interface="com.ibm.team.workitem.service.IWorkItemServer"/>
I've been looking for Ralph's Create Approval Participant, can you toss me the link, please??
And your reset command and your other answers all have my Advisor now loading and working. I now have to get all the right logic.
here is the link to the approvals participant in Ralph's blog
One other answer
well, spoke too soon .. it shows up now but gets an error stating that my OperationAdvisor failed to find the require dservice 'interface com.ibm.team.workitem.common.IWorkItemCommon'. Check <prerequisites> in plugin.xml.
Well, my plugin.xml doesn't HAVE any <prerequisites> tag (maybe that is the problem), but I do have com.ibm.team.workitem.common listed as a required plugin.
Is there a place to register this hard dependency/prereq on the class itself?
sam detweiler
Jan 20 '14, 9:02 a.m.did u restart the server cold? it only loads plugins on cold starts
then shutdown and restart server
also look in server/logs/ccm.log for possible reasons the plugin did not load
1 vote
sam detweiler
Jan 20 '14, 11:05 a.m.typo again
you should see this response