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Can the user refer a task to a user story in RTC?

Xue Xiang Cui (711137) | asked Nov 23 '08, 6:50 a.m.
Is it possible to make a connection between a user story and tasks. In my mind, a user story is a part of requirements or use cases. Based on the user story, there should generate some tasks accordingly. If all tasks of the use story are completed, the user story is met. Can the user refer a task to a user story in RTC? Thanks.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 23 '08, 9:43 p.m.
Hello mattcui,

Is it possible to make a connection between a user story and tasks. In
my mind, a user story is a part of requirements or use cases. Based on
the user story, there should generate some tasks accordingly. If all
tasks of the use story are completed, the user story is met. Can the
user refer a task to a user story in RTC? Thanks.

It is possible to create links between workitems on the link tab as well
as in the Iteration plan uisng drag and drop (parent child).
A Story is just a special workitem.


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