Very, very large errors logs with invalid SSL certificate
I'm trying to set up a proper SSL certificate on our tomcat servers and so far I haven't managed to get it right. However, I've noticed that when I start the server it appears to go into a tight loop writing entries to tomcat's error log. It writes about 350 entries per second, which equates to about 250K a second. I didn't spot this until the logs had filled the filesystem with 20GB of log data.
I'm sure it can't be desirable to log entries at this rate - should I report it as a bug?
FWIW, there are 2 entries repeated over and over in the log:
WARNING: Reinitializing ServerSocket
SEVERE: Endpoint ignored exception.... No available certificate ...
I'm sure it can't be desirable to log entries at this rate - should I report it as a bug?
FWIW, there are 2 entries repeated over and over in the log:
WARNING: Reinitializing ServerSocket
SEVERE: Endpoint ignored exception.... No available certificate ...