Prompt fields changed in imported Cognos report

One answer

Hi Angelo,
It's difficult to say what could be causing the positions to change - it's not something I've seen before with our sample reports. Have you tried importing one of the sample reports just to see if you have a similar problem?
Aside from the position problems, does the prompt page work properly in RTC? That is, if you select parameter values, hit "Finish" (this is important - you *must* hit finish before hitting Run or Save) and then hit "Run", does your report run with the parameter values you selected?
It's difficult to say what could be causing the positions to change - it's not something I've seen before with our sample reports. Have you tried importing one of the sample reports just to see if you have a similar problem?
Aside from the position problems, does the prompt page work properly in RTC? That is, if you select parameter values, hit "Finish" (this is important - you *must* hit finish before hitting Run or Save) and then hit "Run", does your report run with the parameter values you selected?