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Restricting Read access between TeamAreas

sandro de santis (1288) | asked Jan 13 '14, 4:39 a.m.
I know how to restrict write access to artifacts ( Test Plans, Testcases, ...) to members of other team-areas, but I need to restrict even read access. Is it possible? I tried defining categories in the Project Area, and associating them to team-areas, but, still, as an example,  members of each team area can read other team-area Plans.  

Accepted answer

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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Jan 16 '14, 8:40 a.m.
Currently read-access is only controlled at the Project Area level.
Team Areas can be used for write-access permission.
Using Team Areas for read-access is something we've heard before and a valid scenario but not yet implemented in RQM. The enhancement is tracked in Support read access control on team area (74538)
John Nason
QM Development
sandro de santis selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jan 13 '14, 9:16 a.m.
edited Jan 15 '14, 8:05 a.m.
Within project areas and team areas, you add users as members. Depending on the access control settings in a project area, membership in that project area or one of its team areas can determine whether a user has access to project area and team area artifacts. 


It appears the same users are in both team areas.  For more information, see

sandro de santis commented Jan 13 '14, 10:30 a.m. | edited Jan 13 '14, 11:32 a.m.

Hi Paul,
I defined One Project Area, containing 2 team-areas ( say TA1 and TA2 ). Both team-areas have the same main administrator, and different users.
So, I defined two users UTA1 and UTA2, each one only in the relevant TA.
I tried the following settings in the Access Control:
1)  Members in Project Hierarchy   ->  both users can read everything
2)  No one ->   UTA1 and UTA2  cannot even log into the PA
3)  Users in the access list only ( with both users in the list ) ->  as point 1.

It looks like the Access Control is effective at PA level, not at TA level.

Any hint is welcome, thanks in advance

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sandro de santis (1288) | answered Jan 13 '14, 11:30 a.m.
Hi Mark, thank you for your response.
I read the article, and it seems related to Work Items, and using features in RTC. Maybe I am wrong but I did not find anything similar in RQM.
Are those features also available in RQM?

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