Custom Birt Reports installed in RTC - where are they stored on the server?
Accepted answer
Check out Rafik's answer to this question for instructions on how to download a report design file from the server.
I will vouch for this method ! But I'll provide a tip to focus on the reports modified by a particular user.
In the URL that helps you locate the resources I'd suggest using something like:
https://server:port/ .... reports.ReportDescriptor[modifiedBy/name='Your User' or modifiedBy/name='Some Other User']/(id|name|modified|modifiedBy/name|contents[key='']/(key|value/contentId))
You can elide the " or modified/by='Some Other User' " if there's only one you're interested in finding. That way you won't have to weed through lots of XML to find what you might need.
Thank you, these worked great!
Thanks Alana and Rafik :) I really didn't know that it is possible.
Could you PLEASE provide some example link without placeholders.
I don't understand the notation :(