Issue with maven remote deploy while using Ant tasks.
Hi All,
I am migrating a project which is currently Ant-based to maven.I am also using jazz/rtc as my working enviornment/tool.
The project structure is something like
project-A (parent pom)
project-B (child)
project-C (child- dependent on project-B)
I have adding some task
for adding feature to RTC like showing various activites like compile,test,publishing artifacts on RTC UI.
Now the issue I am facing;
While I run the
-e install -DperformRelease=true -Prelease ; the jars are installed on local respository properly without any error and all activities,junit reports, published artiafcts are shown properly on RTC UI/.
But when i run
-e deploy -DperformRelease=true -Prelease ; i am getting following error;
Unable to update last contact time for engine: JAZ0099I HTTP error "Remote host closed connection during handshake" accessing https://URL/jazz/service/
at at
Caused by: Remote host closed connection during handshake
Caused by: SSL peer shut down incorrectly
I am not able to understand what exactly is happening.
If I remove all the ant task from pom files and run
-e deploy -DperformRelease=true -Prelease ; the jars are properly deployed on remote artifactory. but in that case I am not able to see various activities and published artifacts/jars in RTC/jazz.
Please let me know if any one has face same issue? any help is really appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation
Thanks and Regard
I am migrating a project which is currently Ant-based to maven.I am also using jazz/rtc as my working enviornment/tool.
The project structure is something like
project-A (parent pom)
project-B (child)
project-C (child- dependent on project-B)
I have adding some task
for adding feature to RTC like showing various activites like compile,test,publishing artifacts on RTC UI.
Now the issue I am facing;
While I run the
But when i run
Unable to update last contact time for engine: JAZ0099I HTTP error "Remote host closed connection during handshake" accessing https://URL/jazz/service/
at at
Caused by: Remote host closed connection during handshake
Caused by: SSL peer shut down incorrectly
I am not able to understand what exactly is happening.
If I remove all the ant task from pom files and run
-e deploy -DperformRelease=true -Prelease ; the jars are properly deployed on remote artifactory. but in that case I am not able to see various activities and published artifacts/jars in RTC/jazz.
Please let me know if any one has face same issue? any help is really appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation
Thanks and Regard