RRDI report that that includes the steps of a manual test script
I believe this formum post https://jazz.net/forum/questions/109507/view-manuel-steps-of-tests-scripts-in-a-rrdi-report answers the question but we wanted to confirm. Is the only way to pull the steps of a manual test script in an RRDI report from a test case execution result? That is what I am getting from the data dictionary at http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.reports.doc/topics/qm.html under Test Case Result's Result Details , using RQMExecResult_Step
I believe this formum post https://jazz.net/forum/questions/109507/view-manuel-steps-of-tests-scripts-in-a-rrdi-report answers the question but we wanted to confirm. Is the only way to pull the steps of a manual test script in an RRDI report from a test case execution result? That is what I am getting from the data dictionary at http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.reports.doc/topics/qm.html under Test Case Result's Result Details , using RQMExecResult_Step