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RQM 4.0.1 problem with etl - error: CRRRE1202E No row is selected

Juan Fernandez (124) | asked Dec 13 '13, 3:16 p.m.
Hi, I tried to run job for QM(Quality Management) for generate DW info, but the status is "Failed". the task have a duration of 13 min and execute 2 task for each project area, both is "Failed" ...

the qm-etl.log, only return error for "CRRRE1202E No row is selected"...
Only the same error in the log...

when run job for a ccm, do not generate any error, status is "Succeeded".

I use 4.0.1 M3...

I hope for your help.

2 answers

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Vidya Malkarnekar (1.0k15) | answered Dec 16 '13, 8:53 a.m.
Is there any reason why you are using 4.0.1 M3 and not  4.0.1 GA?

Are you using IHS or Apache as a fronting server/reverse proxy for RQM?  If so, please try the workaround in article

Otherwise, try the technote to change the authentication to JTS --

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Juan Fernandez (124) | answered Dec 16 '13, 10:50 a.m.
edited Dec 16 '13, 10:58 a.m.
thanks for your answer.

The reason for using M3, is that in the moment for the implementation, needed integrated RDM, and 4.0, don't worked.
and, M3 it was the last in his moment.

Are using Apache like server.

I will See the workaround link(I will try with authentication change), and you commented...


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