Integration with Maven with RTC 4.0.2 (Team concert plugin)
Accepted answer
Given that you seem hung up on preserving your old Ant build.xml, what's your motivation for using Maven?
Thanks for the answer Jeff! The reason why we want to use antrun is because the pom file we are working with is already very complex already so we don't want to further complicate with our integration. :)
I obviously don't know your situation, but it sounds like you are setting yourself up for failure.
Maven & Ant are very different tools: one is not better than the other, they are just different. It sounds like you are trying to migrate from Ant to Maven, yet you don't want to adopt the "Maven way" to do things: if so that's a recipe for disaster. Successful use of Maven requires bending your will to how things are done in the Maven world. It means decomposing your build.xml and translating it into configuration for the appropriate Maven plugins.
Antrun has it's place, but I always recommend to people that they only use it for situations where there no available mojo that does what they need.
2 other answers
You really need to start simple with and build up a pom.xml until all aspects of your build are covered.
Is it possible to call ant task within maven? Would that still work with RTC?
Looks like Jeff's got you covered for the Ant run plugin. I hope to demonstrate how to do this soon with a blog post. You'll probably solve your problem before I get to it, but I will track my progress here, Update Jenkin plugin self-host build with progress, compile and test results using build toolkit Ant tasks ... then write a blog post or article. (289698)