RTC eclipse plugin installation issue

Hi all,
Need your help here. I used to have the RTC plug-in 4.0.2 installed on my Websphere Message Broker toolkit 8.0 under Win7 32 bit. It ran perfectly.
Now, I have a new laptop which is Win7 64 bit. I tried the same p2 software RTC-Client-p2Repo-4.0.2.zip on the Websphere Message Broker toolkit 8.0. It was installed successfully, but I couldn't find those RTC perspectives such as Jazz Admin and Work Item.
Since our server is 4.0.3, I tried both p2 4.0.2 and 4.0.3 without luck.
It will be great if you have any suggestion or direction for me to fix/troubleshoot this issue?
Best regards,
James Cheung
Dec 11 '13, 3:38 p.m.Hi Piotr,
James Cheung
Dec 11 '13, 3:46 p.m.Another information:
James Cheung
Dec 11 '13, 4:54 p.m.Hi Piotr,