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Connecting RTC to embedded Sametime 9

Linux is more strict with it's dependency management - it doesn't just check the modul but also the version required. As a result I cannot install the plugin but get the error message below.
Is there a ST9 compatible plugin in the works and what's the ETA? Or is there a workaround to enable the plugin based on newer versions of the dependent modules?
2 answers


I'll have to upload the error message file when booting windows the next time. In text it says:
"Chatwindow DND Freature Patch for 8.0.1 ( requires feature com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.chat.feature (".
With ST9 installed I have a newer version of com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.chat.feature installed. So the dependency check would have to be adjusted (as it is on Win 7) to accept the newer version of the feature.
I'll open a defect.

you need a certain reputation to attach a screenshot - thanks to the spammers we have to create these rules. It would be possible to upload an image e.g. to dropbox and link back to that.

I know and I changed it yesterday to be only 11 reputation points -- which one would have if they signed up (1) and validated their email (10). We're trying to make it as accommodating as possible without encouraging a new wave of spam.

I hope we can manage to fix this.
Thanks in advance.
Millard Ellingsworth
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Dec 05 '13, 6:03 p.m.You need to use the Insert Image tool for your screenshot -- while you can see it while editing (and I can see it if I edit your question), it does not display in the forum when done that way.
Rainer Dammers
Dec 06 '13, 8:52 a.m.Unfortunately inserting an image on Firefox or Opera on Linux does not work either. On Firefox simply nothing happens.
On Opera I get the following error message when attempting to upload the png file:
sorry, file uploading requires reputation >60