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Connection to Derby DB ..... Error fetching server status information...... ID CRJAZ1505E
Accepted answer

WARN ernal.webuiInitializer.WebUIInitializerRestService - CRJAZ2456W An attempt was made to load the application's web UI but the service com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.webuiInitializer.CurrentContributorInitializer cannot be activated until the application has been registered with a Jazz Team Server. To make sure the web UI works correctly, complete the Jazz Team Server setup to register this application. For more information, see the help topic "Registering applications with the Jazz Team Server".
If you need to have your server working ASAP, please open new PMR for a support.
Could you provide screen snapshot from:
and paste the content from: https://your-server:9443/ccm/admin?internal=true#action=com.ibm.team.repository.admin.provisionStatus
Also it can be useful to check whether your ccm is already registered:
If not, then navigate to https://your-server:9443/jts/customSetup#/steps/5 and register any missing applications (please make database backup before doing that).
Let us know if it helps.
2 other answers

From the ccm.log, it looks like the CCM application hasn't been registered with JTS. See error stack below:
2013-12-04 17:25:42,950 [http-bio-9443-exec-22 @@ 17:25 houssem78 /ccm/service/com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.webuiInitializer.IWebUIInitializerRestService/initializationData] WARN ernal.webuiInitializer.WebUIInitializerRestService - CRJAZ2456W An attempt was made to load the application's web UI but the service com.ibm.team.process.internal.service.web.HideAccessGroupManagementPageInitializer cannot be activated until the application has been registered with a Jazz Team Server. To make sure the web UI works correctly, complete the Jazz Team Server setup to register this application. For more information, see the help topic "Registering applications with the Jazz Team Server".
Do you see any error in jts.log? If JTS is in good state, please check in the /jts/admin > home page and see if ccm is listed in the page. Also check in the 'Registered Applications' page whether CCM is listed there.
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk
Dec 04 '13, 11:54 a.m.Hi Houssem,
1. Is it new installation or you had been used it for some time?
2. Have you tried restarting the server?
3. Could you provide entire ccm.log file? You might have any additional errors just after starting the server.
Houssem Gherbi
Dec 04 '13, 12:22 p.m.