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What does the publish action do in RAM?

Abe Roba (1012332) | asked Nov 15 '13, 6:43 p.m.
What does the publish button do in RAM, if I already submit an asset I thought it meant that it is available for the public or members of the community, so what does the publish action do, how is it used?

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Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Nov 15 '13, 6:59 p.m.
Assets go through a lifecycle. A lifecycle is a series of states. Each state has a name, and a set of actions. The actions are used to move from one state to the next.

The default lifecycle has two states, See Default lifecycle

 "Submitted" and "Approved."  When you first submit an asset that uses the default lifecycle it goes into the "Submitted" state. Submitted has one action, "Publish". This action takes it to the "Approved" state. From the "Approved" state there is one action, "Revert". This action takes it back to the "Submitted" state.

There is one predefined action always available, "Retire". This is used to retire the asset. It is available from any state.

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