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How to export testcases to csv by a Test suite?

Natsumi Yokoyama (209387101) | asked Nov 13 '13, 8:14 p.m.

How to export testcases to csv by a Test suite?
Does anyone have any ideas?

I have confirmed following using RQM 4.0.3. My customer needs to export testcases to csv by a Test suite. But It looks difficult to do.
  • In the view to browse test cases, "Test Suites" is not included in available columns.
  • In the test case section of a test suite, there is no menu to export csv.

Thank you in advance


Accepted answer

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Sunil Kumar R (1.1k13344) | answered Nov 14 '13, 5:23 a.m.
Hello Natsumi, Yeah the .csv export feature does not seem to be there even on RQM v4.0.4 on the test case list of the suite. But what about alternatives?
* PDF export gives the list
* REST API like below gives the list
eg : GET on the URL below will get the list of Test Cases linked to Test Suite with id '29'.


Best Regards, Sunil
Natsumi Yokoyama selected this answer as the correct answer

Natsumi Yokoyama commented Nov 17 '13, 10:00 p.m.

Thank you for your answer. :-) I could understand limitation and feature.

I also found that we can export Excel data via a report "Test suites by Development State".


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