Is it possible to query on a custom attribute?
I am currently building a set of queries using the RTC REST API. Below is the query that is giving me trouble. I have added carriage returns for readability.
If i remove the mediumStringExtensions from the filter portion of the query data is returned and the product application structure is returned.
<value>Reporting system V1</value>
When I add the filter mediumKeyExtensions to the query I get an error. Is it possible to query on a custom attribute that is used to populate a dropdown combo box? Is this a syntax issue?
modified > 2013-10-24T10:10:53.000-0500
mediumStringExtensions[key="com.ak.adt2.workitem.attribute.productapplication"]/Value = "Reporting System V1"
mediumStringExtensions[key="com.ak.adt2.workitem.attribute.defecttype" or
One answer
and the discussion in 158711 I do not think its possible to filter a REST query by a custom attribute.
I am getting the following error:
Error 500: CRRED0122E: Illegal syntax in fields argument: ].
That error indicates your query is not structured properly, but its hard to tell what your original query was given the formatting above. When I try this query:
I get this error:
Error 500: CRRED0135E: Illegal filter. The field 'workitem/mediumStringExtensions/key' may not be used in a filter because it returns multiple values.