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RTC 2.0 in Turkish

Halil Bahadır (1113924) | asked Feb 23 '09, 8:47 a.m.
I saw the list of supported languages in RTC 2.0..But Turkish is not in the list.
Is there a plan to add Turkish as a supported.
Turkish is used more than the total number of Group 3 Languages (Czech, Hungarian, Polish, and Romanian).

You must think on this ...

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Feb 23 '09, 9:17 a.m.
I saw the list of supported languages in RTC 2.0..But Turkish is not in the list.
Is there a plan to add Turkish as a supported.
Turkish is used more than the total number of Group 3 Languages (Czech, Hungarian, Polish, and Romanian).

You must think on this ...

Make sure you raise an enhancement request for this, and then as other people want to support your request, they can add their comments.


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