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Jazz sending emails with wrong Web UI link

Marc Tolentino (164) | asked Feb 17 '09, 12:25 p.m.

am using Jazz v2 M1 and have set up Jazz to send emails to ones who have subscribed to work items of interest.

Jazz does notify subscribers with emails when work items are updated but with "localhost" within Web UI:

Web UI: https://localhost:9443/jazz/resource/itemName/

Subscribers cannot open the link.

Where on the server I modify "localhost" to be server name?


4 answers

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Work Item & UI Commons Team (1.3k1) | answered Feb 18 '09, 4:28 a.m.
Make sure to properly set the publicUriRoot property for the server. This value will be used for the mail.


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Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered Feb 18 '09, 1:18 p.m.
Make sure to properly set the publicUriRoot property for the server. This value will be used for the mail.

I think there may be a defect in there if the machine used to send is the hosting server. My publicUriRoot is set correctly, yet when I add people via RTC from a client run on the server machine, the invitations still end up saying "localhost". If I use a client on a different machine, then the publicUriRoot setting is used in the generated email.

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Work Item & UI Commons Team (1.3k1) | answered Feb 19 '09, 4:22 a.m.
Hm, could you clarify what exactly you are doing that results in the notification mail with the wrong mail? You update a work item from the WebUI from a localhost connection?

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Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered Feb 19 '09, 11:10 a.m.
Hm, could you clarify what exactly you are doing that results in the notification mail with the wrong mail? You update a work item from the WebUI from a localhost connection?

I always see this issue when adding members to teams. If I do it from the client on the server, they always get "localhost". If I do it from another client, they get the name in the URI variable.

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