Can't launch QM server on linux

I followed the steps on to setting up a RQM Dev environment. At last two steps "Initialize the QM repository in your local workspace" and "Launch the QM server" I encountered some problems.The tests doesn't pass when selecting "QM Initialize 4.0" and clicking Run and there is no RQM-sample when expand OSGI framework. My system is Open Client Red hat 64. It seems that on linux system I can't install feature based launch tool correctly.
If anyone encountered similar problems before, pls give a resolution.Thanks!
If anyone encountered similar problems before, pls give a resolution.Thanks!
2 answers

based on the information provided, I would say you did not install RTC 4.0.3 into an existing Eclipse 3.7.X,
as required in
RTC 4.0.3 "vanilla" shows: osgi.framework.version=3.8.2.v20130124-134944
Eclipse 3.7.X + RTC 4.X shows: osgi.framework.version=3.7.1.R37x_v20110808-1106
The configuration file you sent to me shows:
I suggest you proceed as advised, install Eclipse 3.7.1 -
then RTC 4.0.3 on top the Eclipse and then proceed with dev tools installation.

so I guess you're still facing the same issue as the one reported in
Basically, if Feature Based Launch tool fails to install, then you won't have the expected entries in the Run/Debug configurations.
May you please provide more details?
- Eclipse version you're using
- the error you get when installing Feature Based Launch tool (if any)
- your workspace's metadata .log file
- possibly your full configuration details (Eclipse --> Help --> About --> Installation Details --> Configuration tab
copy / paste the full content + error log
(you may send it to me :