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M9 Driver Edit Categories won't allow me to save?

Mike Wulkan (761) | asked Jan 19 '07, 12:35 p.m.

Is it just me but I can't seem to get the M9 driver to allow me to save
category changes. I open the Edit Categories... dialog from the context
menu of the project area. I can add all sorts of categories but I
always get "Save Error" when I press Ok.

Categories used to just be specified in the Project area xml file, I
looked there to see if I could just do it manually but the section
containing the categories seems to not be there anymore.

I need a workaround for this problem so that I can set up my environment


3 answers

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Paul Vanderlei (56) | answered Jan 19 '07, 12:36 p.m.
I am able to edit and save categories on my M9 client without error. Mike,
I suggest you file a work-item on and include any error you
receive. I also suggest you check the log files for any other details.

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James D'Anjou (20111511) | answered Jan 22 '07, 7:35 a.m.
From time to time we have found that mysterious errors go away by
restarting the client. Not sure if this fits your scenario or not but
worth noting anyway.

Jim D'Anjou
Jazz Jumpstart

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Mike Wulkan (761) | answered Jan 22 '07, 9:30 a.m. wrote:

I am able to edit and save categories on my M9 client without error.
Mike, I suggest you file a work-item on and include any error
you receive. I also suggest you check the log files for any other details.

Very strange, I just went and tried it again without doing anything
different that I know of and it now works! Quite bizarre considering I
had tried it several times from two different clients (with a witness ;-) )

I checked the log file but there was nothing there to indicate a
problem. So I guess it is just a case of "it wasn't there again today I
wish the heck it would go away" ;-)


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