What's the best way to migrate data from RQM 2.0.1 to RQM 4.0.3?
I have RQM v2.0.1 running on Tomcat on Server A. It is connected to an Oracle DB instance RQM1, running on a dedicated DB server. I am using ReqWeb to pull RequisitePro artifacts into RQM 2.0.1.
I also have RTC, RRC, and RQM v4.0.3 running on WAS on Server B. It is connected to another Oracle DB instance RQM2, running on a different DB server. I want to export all the data in RQM 2.0.1 to RQM 4.0.3.
My questions:
1) What's the best way to export all artifacts and data to RQM 4.0.3?
2) Is there a utility that can export/import all RQM artifacts at once, and for all the projects?
3) Will the import of data into RQM 4.0.3 automatically update the links to ReqPro?
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Thank you for your help. Do you know what the limitations are for copying project artifacts from one RQM 4.0.3 server to another?
My challenge for an in-place upgrade is that RQM 2.0.1 is running on a Windows 2003 Server that is set up as a 32-bit OS. I cannot upgrade to 3.0.1 and to 4.0.3 because the latter doesn't support 32-bit architecture, it only works on a 64-bit platform -- https://jazz.net/library/article/811 . I also verified that I cannot upgrade Windows 2003 Server to Windows 2008, since my Windows 2003 server is set up as a 32-bit architecture.
If anyone knows of a way to make RQM v4.0.3 work on a 32-bit platform, it would be the answer to my woes.
Thank you all for the input and for the resources for my RQM 2.0.1 upgrade project. Given that it was a major upgrade affecting several layers (OS platform, WAS, RTC, database) and the performance limitations with the export/import repotool, it took some time to conduct a proof of concept and develop an upgrade strategy.
I followed the 2-step process to perform the upgrade on a Windows 2008 Server. Given the large amount of data to export, it was taking a significant time to export from our Oracle 10g database. One thought I had was to develop a script for a schema-to-schema data migration/conversion, which would have significantly improved the performance and eliminated the I/O bottleneck for creating a tar file. Unfortunately, this was not possible given the resources and the amount of time it would take to develop such a solution.
Per recommendation from the Rational team, the 10g export and subsequent data import into Oracle 11g was performed by setting up a staging environment and by temporarily installing RQM 2.0.1, RTC 3.0.1, WAS 7.x, and Oracle 10g and 11g databases on a local drive. This approach proved highly beneficial. We were able to improve the export/import performance and score a 50% gain. After migration to RTC 3.0.x, it was much easier to upgrade to RTC 4.0.6, then clone the 11g database from Staging to Production.
Thought of sharing this with the hope that it would benefit others who are going through a smilar RQM upgrade.
Kegham, congratulations on performing the upgrade, it is not an easy process. I see it took about 9 months since you originally posted. We had a similar experience in time and performed essentially the same steps you did. We also mounted some key file systems into RAM (instead of using disk. This was on Linux), this saved another 50%, but is an extremely risky proposition (not one I would recommend), however, it was the only way for us to get the upgrade done in 5 days! This meant we had 3 days of down time.