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rqm .how to import test scripts from rqm

khem rana (122) | asked Sep 11 '13, 11:46 a.m.
retagged Sep 12 '13, 12:14 p.m. by Laura W. Hinson (16126)
Can we export test sxripts from rqm 
Using rqm 3.0
If not is this possibilty available in later version of rqm

2 answers

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Sep 11 '13, 8:43 p.m.
What is the purpose of exporting script from RQM? If you want to import to other project, you may want to use copyutil which is available in download. If you want to export the script and run it in Word or Excel, RQMExcel/WordImporter can serve that purpose:

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Sep 13 '13, 7:19 a.m.
In RQM 4.x there is an option to "Download as a Spreadsheet (.csv)" for the Browse Test Scripts view (Construction -> Browser -> Test Scripts); this option will download a 'list' of Test Scripts, it will not download the contents of the Test Scripts
Another option would be using the REST API  (REST API); you can obtain the XML of a Test Script(s) using Poster or some other 3rd party HTTP client


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