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'Effective Estimate' attribute not showing up in plans (RTC Eclipse client)

varun ibm (611722) | asked Sep 05 '13, 1:35 a.m.
Hi All,

I have an issue with rtc 4.0 eclipse client. In the sprint plan I have set the columns to be viewed for
1.Effective Estimate

The plan shows up with these attributes except the 'effective estimate' does not populate though the time is estimated for the tasks.

Pic 1 is the problem. Pic 2 is how it should ideally be. There needs to be the clock even if the time is not estimated. But there is no dropdown as seen in Pic 1.

Pic 1 is the problem. Pic 2 is how it should actually be

Zeeshan Choudhry commented Oct 01 '13, 3:43 a.m. | edited Oct 01 '13, 3:48 a.m.

1. Open PA
2. Go to Process Configuration
3. Go to Configuration Data > Planning > Work Item type Categories
4. Untick the Wi item time that you are trying to display in the plan view.  under "Select Plan items" . Effective Estimate is for execution Items likes Task , defects , etc.
5. Save PA
6. Open the Plan  again and you can edit the Effective Estimate from WebUi and Eclipse client.

varun ibm commented Oct 02 '13, 12:16 a.m.

Thanks Zeeshan. This worked. 

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 01 '13, 3:50 a.m.
Please be aware that the filtering for execution items is not only on this level, but also in the plan configuration.

Please make sure this check box is checked in case you have a high level plan that usually filters out execution items. The second filter only works in addition, as far as I know.

varun ibm selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered Sep 10 '13, 4:34 p.m.
In Picture #1, you are excluding Execution Items. This will remove the 'Effective Estimate' from display, since Top level items will not have this. Once you include Execution Items, the Effective Estimate should display.

Please keep in mind that there are many known differences between planning in the eclipse UI and web UI, and the eclipse client may not contain the same features as the web UI. It is recommended that you always use the web UI when viewing plans.

varun ibm commented Sep 11 '13, 1:27 a.m.

varun ibm commented Sep 11 '13, 1:35 a.m.

Hello Stephanie,

Thank you for your response, I have made the changes as you mentioned (Including execution items). However still I have the same result.

Am I still doing something wrong ?

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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered Sep 11 '13, 10:25 a.m.
Looks like your configuration is correct. I would recommend opening up a PMR with IBM Support and including your process template so we can reproduce.

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