How to uninstall or reinstall a jazz server plugin (Tomcat)
Now I want to reinstall a new version of the plugin. Therefore I first tried to uninstall the plugin. (like described in the library article I have removed the .ini file from the provision_profiles directory, initiate a server reset request and stop and restart your RTC server.
But in the jazz log files there is no information that this plug has been uninstalled. Also in the Server "Provision Status" (https://localhost:9443/ccm/admin? there is no information that the plugin has been uninstalled.
And if I add the .ini file again in the provision_profiles directory, initiate a server reset again and restart the server, the log file got an entry that the plugin is already installed. So I am not able to reinstall a new version of my plugin.
So my question is how can I uninstall a plugin or reinstall a new version of the plugin?
Accepted answer
you need to delete the .ini file and the related feature and plugin folders. Then you request a server reset on CCM and restart the CCM server). In the component status: https://localhost:9443/ccm/admin? the plugin's component should no longer be visual.
Now you can redeploy the plugins and features and the ini file.
Note, if you just delete the plugins and features and then copy the new verion over that, a server reset and a server restart should re-read the plugins.
Yes, that is what I expect. But in the log file there is the information that the feature is installed and that the plugin is uninstalled. And I didn't find the plugin in the tomcat directory.
Is there a way to see all installed plugins in the admin GUI?
Martin, there is not.
The way I described above always worked for me in the past.
However, you can also follow Eric's hint and delete the deployment folder for CCM in the Webapps folder. In addition delete JazzTeamServer\server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\ccm, which is, as I believe the workspace used by CCM containing cache information.
This will enforce a complete redeploy.
Martin, to refine my answer, you delete the update site you refer to in the ini file and the ini file. E.g. if you created a site myplugin you would delete JazzTeamServer\server\conf\ccm\sites\myplugin.
1 vote
Thank you Ralf. After deleting the plugin folder it works ......
2 other answers
I use the reset of the Jazz Team Server instead of the CCM application.
But if I now look in the log file, there is following issue:
1) CCM connect to my update site (INFO eam.repository.provision.internal.ProvisionService - CRJAZ0279I Die Verbindung zu "file:/C%3a/PROGRA~1/IBM/JAZZTE~1/server/conf/ccm/sites/hallomartin" wurde hergestellt.)
2) CCM install my feature (INFO eam.repository.provision.internal.ProvisionService - CRJAZ0300I Das Feature "de.rus.rtcextension.hallomartin.feature_1.0.2" wird installiert.)
3) CCM uninstall my plug-in (INFO eam.repository.provision.internal.ProvisionService - CRJAZ0299I Das Paket aus der URL "file:/C%3a/PROGRA~1/IBM/JAZZTE~1/server/conf/ccm/sites/hallomartin/plugins/de.rus.rtcextension.hallomartin.service_1.0.2.jar" wird deinstalliert.)
Why is my plugin uninstalled as last step? And in the Process Configuration in the Eclipse Client I didn't find the Follow-Up action. So, is it correct that the last entry in the ccm log according my plugin is that ccm has uninstalled the plugin?
And if I look in the folder JazzTeamServer\server\tomcat\webapps\ccm\WEB-INF\eclipse\plugins I didn't see my plugin
And also in JazzTeamServer\server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\ccm I didn't find neither the feature.jar nor the plugin.jar.
I found the reason why I didn't find the Follow-Up Action in the Eclipse client. Only closing and reopen the Project Area Editor was not enough. After restarting the eclipse client my Follow-Up Action was displayed correctly.
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