Help with REST query for work items
I am trying to retrieve all workitems in our timeline via the REST interface. My query is as follows:
Unfortunately, I'm only getting work items for one particular iteration within the timeline rather than getting all work items back. Also, it appears that exactly 100 items are coming back, which I imagine is not a coincidence. So: 1) is this query correct?, 2) is there a limit on the number of results that the REST interface will return, and 3) can the limit be configured?
Thank you!
I am trying to retrieve all workitems in our timeline via the REST interface. My query is as follows:
Unfortunately, I'm only getting work items for one particular iteration within the timeline rather than getting all work items back. Also, it appears that exactly 100 items are coming back, which I imagine is not a coincidence. So: 1) is this query correct?, 2) is there a limit on the number of results that the REST interface will return, and 3) can the limit be configured?
Thank you!
One answer
I am trying to retrieve all workitems in our timeline via the REST interface. My query is as follows:
Unfortunately, I'm only getting work items for one particular iteration within the timeline rather than getting all work items back. Also, it appears that exactly 100 items are coming back, which I imagine is not a coincidence. So: 1) is this query correct?, 2) is there a limit on the number of results that the REST interface will return, and 3) can the limit be configured?
Thank you!
Hi Kate,
You can append the &size=25&pos=100 to the end of your REST URL. If you notice the very first element in XML document for Workitems returned is workItems. It includes a url that you can use to get the next set of workitems. By default the size is set to 100. You can add the name value pair to the end of your REST URL with however many workitems you want returned. Also notice there is a position parameter which lets you know if this is the last position of results. for example if size=100 and position=100 you are at the end of all the available workitems. See example below.
Carlos Ferreira
SSE Jumpstart Team