Reporting on historical data of custom attributes in RRC
I want to generate RRDI reports based on historical data of custom attributes in RRC.
As I understand, the history of custom attributes should be accesible through the "Requirement History String Extension" in the DW, but in my default setup of RRC and RRDI, querying the "Requirement History String Extension" results in no data returned.
My questions are: How do I access historical data of RRC custom attributes. Can I do it in the default setup of RRC and RRDI or do I have to create a new specific ETL-job to collect historical data of custom attributes?
3 answers
After I have investingated this deeper and talked with some IBM-representatives I have understood that historical data from RRC is not yet available, even thus the data model indicate that it should be available for reporting.
The answer I got was that the RM ETL does not collect history. Even though the history tables exist, they are not being populated. This has been tracked in [RM] Add history load to ETL (35951).
1 vote
ankur sharma
JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 27 '13, 10:41 a.m.Is the 'Requirements' data collection job running successfully?