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Get Requirements List

Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130256) | asked Feb 09 '15, 7:01 p.m.
edited Feb 10 '15, 12:59 a.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)
I want to get the requirements per Test Case using RRDI 2.0.3, and there is a metric Test Case with Requirement, I have it integrated with Requisite Pro and I would like to see the ReqPro ID  on the report as part of one column, but I dont see any field on the data sets about Req ID, Thank you.

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Accepted answer

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VK L (8177156159) | answered Feb 10 '15, 1:52 a.m.
Try using the "Test case related requirements" under Operational data store -> "Test Case Area".

Rafael Rodriguez Montes selected this answer as the correct answer

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