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Is there a quick way to see who changed a plan.. not the work items, but the plan.... (type, view, name, iteration...)

Lora Estey (7331920) | asked Aug 20 '13, 8:56 a.m.
Is there a way to say who changed a plan attribute?
We have some users that might be changing things without knowing the repercussions of what they are doing. I.e. changing views in a plan or changing the name of the plan or the team or the iteration. 

Rather than investigate and confront all users with permission, I'd rather just look and see who made the change something.

How can I do this?

3 answers

permanent link
Sandy Grewal (1.6k1223) | answered Aug 21 '13, 11:58 a.m.

I have a Project Area(JKE Sample) and a Plan called 'BRM Sprint 1 (1.0) Plan' that was last modified yesterday.
Using the URL provided above I checked the modified date

On making changes to the Plan and saving. The URL output is changed.
The <modified> has the timestamp of the change and the <modifiedBy> has the user's details.

You may have multiple Plans with the same name on you server (In different Project Areas or Team Areas)
The <projectArea> and <teamArea> can help identify the correct one.

permanent link
Sandy Grewal (1.6k1223) | answered Aug 21 '13, 12:26 p.m.
edited Aug 21 '13, 12:29 p.m.
I realize the URL's XML output is quite cluttered with information not needed.
The URL can be customized to individual need by checking the metatdata=schema URL.

Useful information about REST API:

For example for the particular case we could use
https://<server-url>:<port>/ccm/rpt/repository/apt?fields=apt/iterationPlanRecord[name='BRM Sprint 1 (1.0) Plan']/(name|modified|modifiedBy/(name|userId)|projectArea/name|teamArea/name)

permanent link
Sandy Grewal (1.6k1223) | answered Aug 20 '13, 12:04 p.m.
edited Aug 21 '13, 12:30 p.m.
Hi Lora,

You can check when and by which userid the Plan was last changed but not what was changed using the REST API's

The Rest API metadata for apt is :

The metadata may be slightly different for different versions.

URL for 403:  https://<server-url>:<port>/ccm/rpt/repository/apt?fields=apt/iterationPlanRecord[name='plan_name']/*/*
<modified>2013-08-20T11:57:36.381-0400</modified>    <-- Time modified and
<modifiedBy>  tag should give you the user details

Hope that helps. If it does, please mark the answer as accepted.


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