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buildLabelPrefix not working

stephen laws (9184) | asked Jan 21 '09, 2:56 p.m.

I've created a build engine and set the property buildLabelPrefix to devel- (also tried D), according to the documentation that I've found this should automatically result in the buildLabel being prefixed with this. However, all of my builds still end up with a buildLable like:


Am I missing something?

3 answers

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Don Weinand (7851) | answered Jan 22 '09, 11:58 a.m.
Are you setting the buildLabelPrefix property in the engine or the
definition? It needs to be set in the definition.

Don Weinand
Jazz Team Build

"laws" <laws> wrote in message

I've created a build engine and set the property buildLabelPrefix to
devel- (also tried D), according to the documentation that I've found
this should automatically result in the buildLabel being prefixed with
this. However, all of my builds still end up with a buildLable like:


Am I missing something?

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stephen laws (9184) | answered Jan 21 '09, 5:05 p.m.
Well, I thought the behaviour was supposed to be automatic but I've found using buildResultPublisher works so I'm good with that.


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stephen laws (9184) | answered Jan 22 '09, 3:42 p.m.
Hey Don,

Thanks I changed it from the engine to the definition and it works as expected!

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