Unable to integrate a Process Aspect Editor in a follow up action
I had successfully created and deployed a follo-up action in my local jazz team server installation. Now I want to add a Project Aspect Editor to my follow-up action but that didn’t work
I have used following links for the Project Aspect Editor
My follow-up action has following plugin.xml
For the UI I have created another Plugin project with following plugin.xml
The Factory and the Aspect Editor is very simple (For the first try the Aspect Editor should only show a label)
Furthermore I have created a feature project and an update site so that I can install this plugin in my local Eclipse installation.
I can successfully install this plug in my Eclipse but it did not show the Aspect Editor. When I try to install the OpenSocialDemo that I have downloaded from jazz.net (https://jazz.net/library/article/758), everything works fine. Therefore I think something is wrong with my configuration but I did not find the problem.
Can anybody help me to find the problem? Thanks and regards
I had successfully created and deployed a follo-up action in my local jazz team server installation. Now I want to add a Project Aspect Editor to my follow-up action but that didn’t work
I have used following links for the Project Aspect Editor
- https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ProcessAspectEditorCreation
My follow-up action has following plugin.xml
<?eclipse version="3.4"?> <plugin> <extension point="com.ibm.team.process.service.operationParticipants"> <operationParticipant class="de.rus.rtcextension.mailnotification.service.MailNotificationOperationParticipant" id="de.rus.rtcextension.mailnotification" name="Mail Notification" operationId="com.ibm.team.workitem.operation.workItemSave"> </operationParticipant> </extension> </plugin>
For the UI I have created another Plugin project with following plugin.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?eclipse version="3.4"?> <plugin> <extension point="com.ibm.team.process.ide.ui.processAspectEditorFactories"> <factory aspectId="de.rus.rtcextension.mailnotification" class="de.rus.rtcextension.mailnotification.ui.MailNotificationProcessAspectEditorFactory"> </factory> </extension> </plugin>
The Factory and the Aspect Editor is very simple (For the first try the Aspect Editor should only show a label)
public class MailNotificationProcessAspectEditorFactory implements IProcessAspectEditorFactory { @Override public ProcessAspectEditor createProcessAspectEditor(String processAspectId) { if(processAspectId.equals("de.rus.rtcextension.mailnotification")){ return new MailNotificationProcessAspectEditor(); } return null; } }
public class MailNotificationProcessAspectEditor extends OperationDetailsAspectEditor { ... @Override public void createControl(Composite parent, FormToolkit toolkit) { parent.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false)); Label addressLabel = toolkit.createLabel(parent, "Address:"); GridData gridData = new GridData(); gridData.verticalAlignment = SWT.TOP; addressLabel.setLayoutData(gridData); } }
Furthermore I have created a feature project and an update site so that I can install this plugin in my local Eclipse installation.
I can successfully install this plug in my Eclipse but it did not show the Aspect Editor. When I try to install the OpenSocialDemo that I have downloaded from jazz.net (https://jazz.net/library/article/758), everything works fine. Therefore I think something is wrong with my configuration but I did not find the problem.
Can anybody help me to find the problem? Thanks and regards
5 answers
Yes I tried the -clean option. But it still don't work
When I install the sample Follow-Up Action with an Aspect Editor it works. So I think my installation process is correct.
I'd suggest to use the Eclipse Client launch and the PDE debugger, add the bundle it to the client launch to see if your plugin is activated at all. If it does not show up at all and your classes are not called, the issue is most likely related to issues with your plugin.xml.
The problem was that only restarting the server didn't change the follow-up action on the server. I thought I did several updates on the follow-up action but without calling the URL
After restarting server (with a request for a reset) and client everything works fine.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
PS: @rschoon. Can you mark this answer as accepted answer? I can't accept my own answer.
the server did not use the new version. So the plugin-ID in my Eclipse UI didn't match with plugin-IF of the server. Therefore Eclipse didn't show my user interface.
After restarting server (with a request for a reset) and client everything works fine.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
PS: @rschoon. Can you mark this answer as accepted answer? I can't accept my own answer.